European Cloud Alliance unveils its statement on the development of cloud in Europe

European Cloud Alliance unveils its statement on the development of cloud in Europe

In an era where digital transformation is reshaping the future, cloud computing has emerged as a cornerstone of Europe’s digital transformation, and an indispensable technology in achieving Europe’s ambitious Digital Decade targets for 2030. Recognizing this role, the European Cloud Alliance is proud to unveil a comprehensive statement on the future development of cloud in Europe. With this statement, the European Cloud Alliance details its support for the further development of cloud technologies in Europe, with the aim of fostering European competitiveness and positioning Europe at the forefront of the digital revolution.

Our statement is not just a declaration. It is a roadmap for the future, which lays down the principles for the development of cloud technologies in the coming years, framing the discussions for the upcoming electoral mandate.

Our statement is structured around nine pillars which outline the most relevant areas which should guide the future development of cloud in Europe. The pillars are the following:

  • Drive innovation and competitiveness
  • Prioritize data protection of European citizens
  • Guarantee robust security measures
  • Promote fair competition
  • Foster green cloud solutions and infrastructure
  • Facilitate research and cloud technologies
  • Support European SMEs to adopt cloud technologies
  • Reduce the cloud skills gap in Europe
  • Build an inclusive cloud

This statement is open for endorsement. We invite organizations, companies, and individuals who share our vision to join us. If you are interest to know more about our statement or are considering becoming a signatory, you can access the full document here. Should you have any inquiries or suggestions, we encourage you to reach out to us at